Choosing the right size hammock

Queen Size

1 adult and child, weight capacity 200kg, the woven bed expands to 1.75m width

Queen Cotton weighs 1kg, Outdoor Cotton weighs 2kg


King Size

3 adults, weight capacity 250kg,

the woven bed expands to 2- 2.20m width

King Cotton weighs 1.40kg, Outdoor Cotton weighs 2.50kg

The King size is the best overall value in terms of size and comfort for Outdoor Cotton hammocks.


Jumbo Size

A small family, weight capacity 300kg

The woven bed expands to 2.5m width

Jumbo Cotton weighs 1.8kg, Outdoor Cotton weighs 2.9kg

Jumbo is the best overall value for Cotton hammocks.


All about Super Nylon Hammocks


How to get into your hammock